2 Things To Do Before Group Ends

Hi Group Leaders,

While the trimester is ending, our need for healthy Biblical Community doesn't.

Here are 2 steps to ensure you set yourself and your group up for future health!

1. Make Summer Plans Now

While you still have the attention of your group, put some dates on the calendar for summer gatherings.

1 simple goal is to do 1 monthly gathering on the same night your group normally meets.

  • For example, the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

  • June 18, July 16, August 20

Send the dates out now, you can decide what you'll do those nights later:

  • Red Wings Game

  • Picnic/BBQ

  • Sea Breeze Day

  • Beach Day

  • Pool Party

  • Back Yard Movie Night

2. Ask Your Group Members For Feedback

Are there changes to your group that would help your group members feel more engaged, or improve their group experience?

How do your group members feel about your group? You won't know unless you ask them.

There are 2 options for this:

End of the Trimester Surveys

3x5 Card Surveys

  • Hand out 3x5 cards and ask all group members 3 things:

  1. Their name.

  2. What they liked about your group.

  3. One suggestion for improving your group.

After collecting the surveys, review them with your co-leaders and make appropriate changes for the fall.

By God's grace, as we change and as our groups change and improve, God may use our group to be a space where we can experience acceptance, belonging, growth, love, and care.


Red Wings Game Details - Friday, May 31st


10 Ideas To Change Up Your Group This Week