Ice Breaker Questions

  • Play “Would You Rather.”

  • What is your “go to” meal when having people over to your home?

  • What is your favorite dessert?

  • What meal do you eat more than any other?

  • What is your favorite snack when you sit down to watch something on your TV?

  • If you could do any profession other than your own, what would you do?

  • What did your parents or guardians do for a living?

  • What extra curricular activities were you involved in during High School? (music, sports, arts, clubs, animals, job)

  • What is your favorite month of the year and why?

  • Who was your best childhood friend?

  • If you could go back to school, or change your current major in school, what would you study?

  • What was first experience with church or Christianity like?

  • What is the longest trip you have ever taken?

  • If had to move to a new city, where would you move and why?

  • What do like most about living in Rochester?

  • If you could go on a vacation to the mountains or to the ocean, which would you choose?

  • What is your favorite movie genre (Drama, Suspense, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror, Chick Flick)

  • What do you like most about the town you grew up in?

  • How many siblings do you have and where are you in the birth order?

  • What is your favorite thing about your job or career?

  • What is your favorite hobby?

  • Would you rather go sky diving, bungee-jumping, cliff diving, hang gliding, cliff climbing, or deep sea scuba diving?

  • What is your idea of a perfect vacation?

  • What is your idea of a perfect day off?

  • If you could go back in history and meet one person who is no longer living, who would you meet and why?

  • Who is a famous person you have met?

  • Who was your favorite teacher and why?

  • What is your favorite holiday and why?

  • What family traditions did you enjoy growing up?

  • Which person in your life do you most want to be like and why?

  • If you could prefect one skill, what would it be?

  • If you could have one super power, which super power would you choose?

  • If you had to decide between house work and yard work, which would you choose?

  • What was your first job?

  • If you could relive one day in your life, which day would it be and why?

  • What kind of car was your first car?

  • Do you prefer the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics and why?

  • What is the best Disney movie of all time?

  • What was the first concert you ever attended?

  • What was the worst injuries you have had?

  • Who has had the biggest impact on your faith or view of God?

  • What is your favorite restaurant in Rochester?

  • What was one of the best birthday or Christmas gift you have received?

  • If you had to live in another country, which country would you choose and why?

  • What is your favorite kind of candy?

  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • What is one thing about you others might be surprised to learn?

  • What is one food you would prefer to avoid?

  • Do you prefer to get up early or stay up late and why?

  • What is your favorite part of a typical week?

  • What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done to show someone you love or care for them?

  • What is your biggest pet peeve?

  • What is something you used to be into (good or bad) that is no longer a part of your life?

  • What are your front page apps?

  • If you don’t have a smart phone, what is your favorite way to waste time?

  • If you could only choose one, would you watch movies or read books?

  • What is one word you would use to describe yourself?

  • What is a pet peeve you have a difficult time tolerating?

  • Do you prefer the life of the city or the quiet of the outdoors?

  • What is something that brought you joy this week?

  • What is your greatest physical feet of strength or accomplishment?

  • What’s your favorite book or movie and why?

  • If money were no problem, and you could choose one place in the world to travel for a week, where would that place be and why?

  • When you need to confront someone, would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by e-mail or by letter? Why?

  • What is your most prized or sentimental possession?

  • People might be surprised to find out that I ______________.

  • You have three wishes. What would you wish for?

  • If you died today, who would give your eulogy, and what would be said?

  • What is the most daring thing you have ever done? What made it so daring?

  • My favorite way to waste time is _________.

  • What’s your favorite birthday memory?

  • When was the last time you skipped school or work? Explain the situation.

  • Have you ever been let off the hook for a punishment you deserved? How did that make you feel?

  • What’s the story behind the longest time you’ve gone without sleep?

  • If you could meet any living person, who would it be? Why?

  • Who is the most famous person you’ve known or met? How did it happen?

  • Whom have you lost touch with but still wonder about?

  • What do you miss most about your childhood?

  • What’s the biggest lie you ever told?

  • If you could teach any class on any subject, what would you teach and to whom would you teach it?

  • Just for the fun/thrill of it, before I die I’d like to ________.

  • What’s something you should throw away but can’t? Explain.

  • What is your favorite city? Why?

  • What is the best gift you ever received as a child?

  • What do you like best about children? Why?

  • Who was the best boss you ever had? Why?


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