Small Group Leader Questions | 2.2.22

Wk 5: How to Date Q & A | February 2, 2022

ICE BREAKER (5 mins)

  1. What is your favorite month of the year and why?

DISCUSSION (15 mins - Choose 2-3 Q&A Questions)

  1. What did you find most challenging, surprising, helpful or encouraging from the Q & A? 

Is it wrong to like being single?

  1. Why is singleness good?

How far is too far?

  1. How do you set healthy boundaries in relationships?

  2. What is accountability? How does this help in honoring God in relationships?

  3. What hope does Jesus give if we have “gone too far”?

What age should I start dating?

  1. What is the purpose of dating?

  2. How can our own selfishness distract us from that purpose?

Can you date someone who is not a Christian? // Can you date someone with different theology than you?

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. What does it mean to be unequally yoked?

    1. What challenges could being unequally yoked bring for a marriage/family?

How do you break up well?

  1. Why are breakups often messy?

  2. How do our emotions cause us to react?

  3. Read Colossians 3:12-14

    1. How does this apply when someone hurts us?

  4. What boundaries can you set to guard against bitterness?

Is it a sin to be gay?

  1. Read Genesis 1:26-27 and Ephesians 5:31.

    1. What is God’s design for marriage?

  2. What is the difference between temptation and sin?

    1. What hope does Jesus give us in both temptation and sin?

APPLICATION (5 minutes)

  1. What is one take away from this series that you want to apply to your life regarding relationships?


Small Group Leader Questions | 2.9.22


Small Group Leader Questions | 1.26.22