Small Group Leader Questions | 2.9.22

Wk 1: Who is Jesus? | February 9th, 2022

What we want students to…

  • Know: We are all sinners in need of Jesus.

  • Feel: The weight of sin.

  • Do: Identify sin/need for Jesus.

Main Points:

  1. Who is Jesus?

  2. Why did Jesus come to Earth?

  3. What obstacle does sin present?

Scripture Passages: Genesis 1:26-31; 3:6; 15


ICE BREAKER (5 mins)

  1. Would you rather always be 10 mins late or always be 20 mins early?

DISCUSSION (10-15 mins - Choose 2-3 Questions)

Ask 1-2 students to recap the message

  1. What did you find most confusing, surprising, or helpful from today’s message?

The message began with the question, “Who is Jesus?”

  1. If you were to answer that honestly, what would you say and why?

    • Why does our answer to this matter?

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sin entered the world. By nature, we sin or disobey God too.

  1. What is your response to this? Why is sin appealing?

  2. When is obedience hard?

  3. What is the danger of living in sin?

We learned that sin separates us from God.

  1. Why can’t sin and God coexist?

  2. What is God’s plan to solve this?

DIG DEEPER (10 mins)

Read Genesis 3:1-6

  1. What do you notice about the conversation between the serpent and Eve?

    1. How does the serpent tempt Eve?

    2. What appealed to Eve?

APPLICATION: What does temptation look and sound like?

Read Romans 5:12-14 

  1. According to these verses, who is affected by sin?

APPLICATION: How do you see sin in all of the world?

Read Genesis 3:15 & Romans 5:15

  1. What does God promise in Genesis 3:15?

  2. How does Romans 5:15 relate to this?

APPLICATION (10 minutes)

  1. When are you tempted to doubt your need for God? Why?

    • What do you falsely believe to be true about God because of that?

We all have strengths and weaknesses that make us who we are. Write an area of weakness for you personally here: 

  1. How does this create barriers in relationships with the people in your life?

  2. How does it impact your relationship with God?

In His love, God has a plan to restore what the fall broke: to send Jesus.

  1. In one word, how does this truth make you feel? Why?

  2. Why is it good news for you personally?


Small Group Leader Questions | 2.16.22


Small Group Leader Questions | 2.2.22