Week 4: Wisdom - Nature
Big Idea:
Wisdom is experiencing God in nature.
Proverbs 13:9; Psalm 19:1-4
Small Group Questions
ICE BREAKER (5 mins)
Are you a mountain or beach person and why?
DISCUSSION (Choose 2-3 - 10 mins)
(Ask students to recap the message).
What stood out to you from today’s message?
How does Creation reveal who God is? Give some examples.
What is your reaction when you see a perfect sunset or stand on a mountain or it’s simply a nice day outside? What would a response praising God for those things look like?
How does technology keep people from enjoying Creation? What about you specifically?
Why is it helpful to read books that challenge you?
Throughout this series we have learned about different sources of wisdom that help us know God. We can know God through both His Word and His creation.
General Revelation means God makes Himself known through His Creation.
Read Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1-2.
What does this verse tell us about God?
What are God’s qualities that He has made known through creation?
Special Revelation means God makes Himself known through Scripture or His Word. It is where we hear and believe about Jesus’ work on the cross and how we should live our lives as followers of Jesus.
Read Exodus 3:14-16. What does this verse teach us about God?
Read John 1:14. What does this verse tell us about Jesus?
Why do we need God to both reveal Himself through Scripture and through Creation?
APPLICATION (10-12 minutes)
What amazes you most about creation? How does that encourage you to praise God?
Have students show a picture of something in creation or to describe something. Ask: what does that image or creation show you about God?
What is one way you can commit to spending time in creation this week?
Spend this time in prayer as a group/hearing about each other’s highs, lows, etc.