Ice Breaker
What was your favorite Disney movie growing up?
Discussion | Dig Deeper
Read the statements from Disney below and then discuss the questions that follow together:
Mulan: Believe you can, then you will
Snow White: you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine.
Merida from Brave: You control your destiny.
Pocahontas: Listen with your heart and you will understand
Incredibles: Your identity is your most valuable possession, protect it.
Pinocchio: always let your conscience be your guide.
Looking at those statements, who is the one in control according to all of them?
How might that impact how we view God’s design of male and female?
How are those statements different from the truth that Scripture says?
Read Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 100:3; Proverbs 19:12 for help.
In your own words, what is a biblical worldview of God’s design for His Creation?
How has culture made gender the focus of identity?
How does it conflict with the Biblical worldview you just discussed?
Why is identity in Christ good news in light of this conversation and for those struggling?
Read Matthew 16:24-26. What does it look like to deny yourself and follow Jesus?
What in your life have you been led to give up to follow Jesus?
Pray as a group for this issue
For your peers at school
For yourselves to have a biblical worldview
For those who may be struggling