Small Group Questions | 3.15.23
Colossians Wk 3
Scripture: Colossians 1:15-23
Ice Breaker
How do we often use the word ‘supreme’ in our culture?
Dig Deeper
Read Colossians 1:15-20 | The Supremacy of Christ
What do these verses tell us about the supremacy of Jesus?
What is Jesus “supreme” over?
What areas of your life does Jesus have authority over? What areas is it hard to admit/see that? Why?
Read Colossians 1:21-23
How does a person’s life look different before and after knowing Jesus?
What is the biggest difference in your own life before and after knowing Him?
Application (Choose an action step below)
Write out your story and share it with someone in your group: what was your life like before you knew Christ and how is it different now?
Observe creation this week (sunset, snow, etc) and intentionally remember Jesus is Lord over all. Share with someone in your group