Parent Cue: week of April 19th
Hey Families, we hope you checked out Church @ Home videos this past weekend or at least you have planned to view them! We hope you noticed some familiar faces on the videos this week! In light of the extended time of doing Church @ Home and the unknown of when we will be able to gather together again, we are working to stay within the guidelines and still make the content engaging and more personal! Enjoy!
Bible Story Focus: Jesus is alive, and He wants to be our friend forever.
Breakfast on the Beach • John 21:1-14
Ask your kids: Who is alive? (Jesus is Alive!)
Bible Story: Lean on Me (Servant Principle) • Philippians 2:3-8
Bottom Line: Put others first because Jesus put you first.
Ask your kids: How did Jesus put us first in a huge way?
What keeps you from putting others first?
Who can you put first today?