Parent Cue: week of April 26th
Wow!!! This week is a special week and it is so exciting! Why you ask, because there are more Northridge Kids team faces in church online than we have had thus far! Hope you are able to make time to check it out this week! One change to the blog is you can find the videos directly here in the blog if you haven’t been able to check them out thus far. Our hope is that your family enjoys these resources finding them helpful to you and your family as you disciple your kids!
Bible Story Focus: Jesus wants me to tell others He is alive.
Great Commission • Matthew 28:19-20
Ask your kids: Who is alive? (Jesus is Alive!)
Who can you tell that Jesus is Alive?
Bible Story: More Than This (On the Road to Emmaus) • Luke 24:13-35
Bottom Line: There’s always more to discover about God’s plan.
Ask your kids: What have you discovered about God that surprised you?
If there’s always more to discover about God, how do we do that? (Bible reading, prayer, mentor/wise person, application of what you’re learning)
How can you show humility when it comes to discovering new things?
Have you ever had someone tell you or teach you something you already knew? How do you show humility in that kind of situation?