Parent Cue: week of June 7th
Hello parents, we are so thankful to continue partnering with you during this season. You guys as parents have been crushing it as you as well have shown determination as you help your kids to finish the school year! As we look towards summer and at least a few more weeks of meeting online, we want to make sure that we are providing you with the best tools and resources to help you point your kids to Jesus during this season. So we are asking for your input to help us evaluate what resources are most helpful for you. Please take our short 5 question survey to help us serve you best.
Memory Verse: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” John 20:31, NLV
Bible Story Focus: I spy God’s Son, Jesus.
Jesus • The Gospels
Ask your kids: Who can believe in Jesus? (I can believe in Jesus)
Life App: Faith—Trusting in what you can't see because of what you can see
Memory Verse: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Bible Story: I’m a Believer (Faith Is . . .) • Hebrews 11:1-12:3
Bottom Line: You can know Jesus even though you've never seen Him.
Ask your kids: What are things you believe that you can't see?
If we can’t see Jesus, how do we know He’s real?