KiDS Weekly Experience Guide & Parent Cue: week of January 16th
If you joined us last week in person or online, you may remember that we learned about the important habit of prayer. So many of you committed to join us for 40 days of prayer too! As we focus on developing the habit of praying , our kids environments are also focusing on the importance of prayer this week.
Elementary kids are continuing to look at what Jesus teaches His followers in the Sermon on the Mount specifically diving into the subject of prayer this week. Here is a video to watch with kids to help them better understand how they can pray.
All month long our preschoolers are looking at Genesis 3 and are learning about the very first sin. They are learning about the importance of obeying what God says because He cares for us. One way we listen and obey is to talk to God through prayer. Here is a great song to help your preschoolers remember to talk to God anytime.
Check out our weekly experience guide below. Have a great week!
Preschool Resources
Bible Story: FIRST SIN — The Fall
Big Idea: Wisdom is knowing what’s right and choosing to do it. Ask God for wisdom. Listen to what He says. Stay on God’s path, and live like Jesus. Don’t make the wrong choice like Adam and Eve did when they disobeyed God.
Step 1: Watch the video with your preschoolers.
Step 2: Review with your kids.
Ask your kids: How do you make the right choice? (I ask God! God helps me make the right choice.)
Step 3: Practice the Memory Verse with your preschoolers.
“If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it.’” James 1:5 NIRV
Step 4: Print the Adventure Guide to use with your preschooler throughout the week.
Elementary Resources
STEP 1: Read the Bible Passage with your kids
Bible Story: Jesus teaches on Prayer • Matthew 5:1-2, 6:5-13
This passage is part of the Sermon on the Mount. As was customary of rabbis in Jesus’ day, He sat down and taught His followers. Jesus taught them how to pray. He warned them about praying for the wrong reasons and drawing attention to themselves when they pray. He gave an example of how they can pray, showing that we can talk with God anytime, anywhere, about anything.
STEP 2: Choose a worship video to sing with your kids
STEP 3: Watch the Video with your Kids
STEP 4: Practice this month’s Bible Verse with your kids.
Memory Verse: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24 NIV
STEP 5: Review with your kids.
Big Idea: Jesus teaches us how to talk with God.
This story helps us address three kinds of questions that kids may have. They are our He (God question), our We (people question), and our Me (purpose question) for this week.
Ask Your Kids:
Our He Question about God: Does God care what we have to say?
Our We Question about people: Why do we pray?
Our Me Question about our purpose: If God knows everything, why does it matter if I pray?