KiDS Weekly Experience Guide & Parent Cue: week of March 7th
Today, we kick off a new month of curriculum in our kids environments.
Elementary— Blueprints are a kind of plan that helps engineers, architects, and drafters to know how a project should go. Plans are everywhere. Kids find plans at school, in their lego sets, and even in their video games. But the best kind of plans is the ones that help us grow. Through the life of Jesus, we're going to find out that God's plans are perfect, love is the foundation of God's plans, that Jesus said yes to God's plans and most of all that we are included in God's plans.
Preschool—Preschoolers will be learning about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem all month long as we head towards Palm Sunday and Easter. They will also learn how they can worship God
with all of themselves. This month, be on the lookout for weekly preschool videos from our friends at Life Church.
Check out this week’s resources below! Thanks for partnering with us!
Preschool Resources
Bible Story: The Donkey and the King: The Triumphal Entry
Big Idea: God is big, strong, amazing, and wonderful! He made you and gave you everything you have. Give it all back to God to worship Him. Show how much you love Him! In this unit, we'll talk about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and look at how kids can use anything—like palm leaves—to worship God.
Step 1: Watch the video with your preschoolers.
Step 2: Review with your kids.
Ask your kids: How can you worship God? (I give God all of me!)
Step 3: Practice the Memory Verse with your preschoolers.
Memory Verse: “Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before Him singing with joy...” Psalm 100:2 NLT
Step 4: Print the Adventure Guide to use with your preschooler throughout the week.
Elementary Resources
STEP 1: Read the Bible Passage with your kids
Bible Story: Jesus Clears the Temple • John 2:13-22; (Psalm 19)
STEP 2: Choose a worship video to sing with your kids
STEP 3: Watch the Video with your Kids
STEP 4: Practice this month’s Bible Verse with your kids.
Memory Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
STEP 5: Review with your kids.
Big Idea: God’s plans are perfect.
Ask Your Kids: Where can you find God's plan for your life?