Finding Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty
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Finding Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty

Christie Michaud (article)

The world tells us to obsess over and try to control situations, but God says to trust him, to seek him. Let God renew your mind and change the way you think so you will know how to respond in any situation. 

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7 Tips for Working from Home
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7 Tips for Working from Home

Craig Groeschel (video)

“Be Yourself. People would rather follow a leader who is always real than one who is always right.”

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9 Things You Should Know About Aleppo and the Syrian Crisis
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9 Things You Should Know About Aleppo and the Syrian Crisis

Joe Carter The recent struggle for control of the Syrian city of Aleppo has brought renewed attention to the ongoing war crimes that have devastated this Middle East nation. Here are nine things you should know about Aleppo and the Syrian crisis:

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Love the Life You Never Wanted
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Love the Life You Never Wanted

Marshall Segal The reality is that all of us can imagine something better for ourselves than our circumstances today. The greater reality is that, if you love and follow Jesus, God always writes a better story for you than you would write for yourself.

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The Playschool Tragedy for Twentysomethings
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The Playschool Tragedy for Twentysomethings

Marshall Segal Freedom and independence may be the purpose of choice among twentysomethings today. The twenties have become this new kind of “paradise” in between childhood and real adulthood, when you can party hard, experiment with new things, and spend lots of money without feeling the consequences...

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