Finding Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty

Everyone is talking about COVID-19. So many voices and opinions and so much information. Who do we listen to? What’s the truth? And if the external voices weren’t enough, the inner ones speak even louder.

What’s going to happen? When will this end? Will small businesses and wage earners make it? How can I both teach and be with my kids and work? Will I lose someone I love? Are we overreacting? Are we doing enough? Will the market crash? Can I leave my house? What if I run out of toilet paper? … See what I mean.

Uncertainty… trouble. But this is not new. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In this world, we will have trouble….” Pastor Greg Surratt spoke of our underlying trouble in his sermon last week, by saying fear spreads just like germs. The fear pandemic may just rival the coronavirus pandemic. In the grocery store, you go to buy milk, but come out with three of each staple item because of the DEFCON3-level atmosphere. 

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Lessons in Leadership from Building the Panama Canal


20 More Prayers to Pray as We Approach the Pandemic’s Peak