Goliath Must Fall
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Goliath Must Fall

Louie Giglio (video/sermon)

“You may think you’re down, but you can get back up, you may feel like there’s not going to be another day of life, but I promise you God can free you from whatever’s got its foot on your neck in this moment.”

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Finding Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty
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Finding Confidence in the Midst of Uncertainty

Christie Michaud (article)

The world tells us to obsess over and try to control situations, but God says to trust him, to seek him. Let God renew your mind and change the way you think so you will know how to respond in any situation. 

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Calm in the Storm
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Calm in the Storm

Andy Stanley (video)

Using a story from the gospel of Mark, Andy Stanley walks us through a powerful lesson about Jesus and the disciples in the storm.

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The Holiness of God
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The Holiness of God

Bob Deffinbaugh (article)

When we acknowledge our sin, our unrighteousness, and trust in Christ’s death on our behalf, we are born again. Our sins are forgiven. Our unholiness is cleansed. We become a child of God.

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God Will Be Good Again Tomorrow
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God Will Be Good Again Tomorrow

Marshall Segal (article)

God knows the suffering you carry, he knows the hurdles you face, he knows how insufficient and insecure you feel, and he knows exactly what you need.

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How to Pray in Times of Physical Pain
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How to Pray in Times of Physical Pain

John Piper (article)

“Don’t let us waver in unbelief. Shine your irresistible light of glory into our hearts, and grant us to hope fully in your grace.”

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God Comes Close
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God Comes Close

Ed Welch (article)

By repeatedly telling us that God is near, Scripture invites us to focus, listen, imagine, believe.

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God Watches the Way You Work
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God Watches the Way You Work

John C. Lennox (article)

It is our heavenly Father who provides food for birds and clothing for flowers. We, who are more valuable to him, are therefore to trust him for the necessities of life.

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The 6 Assassins of A Man's Contentment
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The 6 Assassins of A Man's Contentment

Darrin Patrick You have enemies as you try to live as a content man. Most of the time we think the enemies are from without—people around us and circumstances upon us. But the true enemies of contentment are within in us, which is where contentment is either fed or starved.

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