Five Prayers for Those Who Wait
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Five Prayers for Those Who Wait

Scott Hubbard (article)

No matter how mundane, and no matter how far off from the world of our dreams, today is the day that the Lord has made. It is a gift, even if a different gift than we expected.

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The Making of a Modern Pharisee
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The Making of a Modern Pharisee

Marshall Segal (article)

When we disconnect our heart from our head, subtly putting our confidence in our flesh, we lead other people away from Jesus with us. When Pharisees make disciples of all nations, they breed children of hell, not sons and daughters of grace.

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Psalm 23
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Psalm 23

Matt Chandler (video)

In this 6-part series on Psalm 23, pastor Matt Chandler introduces us to the great shepherd, the Lord, who promises to provide for every need of his flock.

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Identity in Christ
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Identity in Christ

Desiring God (articles)

Our insecurity is an invitation from God to escape the danger of false beliefs about who we are and find true peace in who he is.

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Thanksgiving Is a Taste of Home
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Thanksgiving Is a Taste of Home

Christine Hoover How Thanksgiving makes us all long for that feeling of settledness, of familiarity, of being known in all of our ages and stages, and ultimately for heaven.

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Four Truths About God's Provision
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Four Truths About God's Provision

Matt Brown God always provides for his children, though often it is not in the way we expect or hope. The challenge is for us to see his provision and care, even when it is different than we expect. 

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I Have Parkinson’s and I Am at Peace
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I Have Parkinson’s and I Am at Peace

Wayne Grudem Last Wednesday I saw my family doctor with some puzzling symptoms, and he suspected Parkinson’s disease. He referred me to a neurologist, and on Friday, she confirmed that I definitely have Parkinson’s disease.

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Why Think about Heaven
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Why Think about Heaven

Nathan Busenitz The Word of God is far from silent on what eternity will be like in the eternal heaven (i.e. the New Earth). But why has God seen fit to reveal these truths to His people? There are at least three reasons why the future reality of heaven ought to influence believers in the present...

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4 Reasons to Stop Obsessing About Heaven

Mike Wittmer Alex Malarkey, who co-authored The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, publicly confessed his story is malarkey. He and his mother had been saying so for some time, but few noticed until last week...

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