Easter: What Difference Does Easter Make?

One of my favorite magazines is U.S. News & World Report. I like it because there’s a section called “News You Can Use” which implies that there is a lot of news you can’t use. That’s true. We live in an information society. There’s an information glut. But a lot of what’s out I really don’t need to know.
I don’t want to waste my time today and I don’t want to waste your time so we’re going to talk about News That You Can Use. A lot of time you can go to a church and you hear news you can’t use.
Today I don’t want to waste any time; I want to get right to the point. I feel like the chicken that decided to lay an egg on the California freeway. The rooster said, “Here’s how you do it. You lay it on the line and you do it in a hurry!” That’s what I want to do. I want to lay it on the line and do it in a hurry.
Two questions: Easter, the resurrection. What does it mean and why does it matter? There are a lot of things you could have done tonight rather than come sit in a gymnasium. In the next 24 hours over a billion people will celebrate Easter all around the world. How is it something could happen 2,000 years ago, approximately, and still cause traffic jams today? What does it mean?

(continue reading HERE)


How to Read the Bible Lesson 3


Not Easily Triggered