What should we make of Rahab’s lie?

The problem of Rahab’s lie to protect Joshua’s spies is a popular query in the study of Christian ethics. Was it sinful for Rahab to lie? Was her lie justified?

Admittedly, my answer in this article does not deal with all the passages that relate to bearing false witness or speaking truth in love. Rather, it seeks to understand how we might read Joshua 2 at the textual horizon and inform our ethical discussions with faithful biblical interpretation.

My twofold answer to the question is that, first, the text leads us to focus on the truth she confessed, rather than the falsehood she (may or may not have) told. Second, the answer is not wholly apparent. The text conceals her motives, even as it reveals her faith. In this way, I do not believe Joshua 2 is written to answer this question.

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