Habits of Grace
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Habits of Grace

David Mathis (e-book)

Three seemingly unremarkable principles shape and strengthen the Christian life: listening to God’s voice, speaking to him in prayer, and joining together with his people as the church.

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The Holiness of God
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The Holiness of God

Bob Deffinbaugh (article)

When we acknowledge our sin, our unrighteousness, and trust in Christ’s death on our behalf, we are born again. Our sins are forgiven. Our unholiness is cleansed. We become a child of God.

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Does God Love Everyone the Same?
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Does God Love Everyone the Same?

Jeff Robinson (article)

God’s sending love is to be admired not because it’s extended to so big a thing as the world, but to so bad a thing; not to so many people, but to such wicked people.

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Does God love everyone or just Christians?
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Does God love everyone or just Christians?

gotquestions.org (article)

To ignore God’s merciful love, to reject Christ, or to deny the Savior who bought us is to subject ourselves to God’s wrath for eternity, not His love.

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Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer?
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Why Won’t God Answer My Prayer?

Dustin J. Coleman (article)

The sovereign God of the universe who loves you above all else in all of creation, has an ear open to you to both take and grant the impossibly big request you make before Him, that He might display His glory throughout.

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Teach Us to Pray
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Teach Us to Pray

John Piper (video)

Sit together with Pastor John at the feet of Jesus, and learn to pray all over again.

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The Limits of God’s Patience
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The Limits of God’s Patience

Ligionier Ministries

We often escape the discipline we are due because of God's kindness. Nevertheless, we walk on thin ice when we think we can presume upon His kindness and patience.

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The Benefits of Baggage
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The Benefits of Baggage

Rachel Watson But now, almost 30, I carry my own suitcase of suffering. I carry it awkwardly. Though it’s hard to view my baggage in a positive light, God has graciously shown me some of its benefits.

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Don’t Waste Your Awkwardness
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Don’t Waste Your Awkwardness

Sammy Rhodes I probably should define awkwardness. What I mean is there’s a gap between what you are and what you should be, a disconnect between the real you and the ideal you. One of the saddest realities of life is the things we need to talk about the most we tend to talk about the least. 

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Jesus, Friend of Sinners: But How?
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Jesus, Friend of Sinners: But How?

Kevin DeYoung As precious as this truth is—that Jesus is a friend of sinners—it, like every other precious truth in the Bible, needs to be safeguarded against doctrinal and ethical error. It is all too easy, and amazingly common, for Christians (or non-Christians) to take the general truth that Jesus was a friend of sinners and twist it all out of biblical recognition...

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