Baptism: Mike Ceracchi

After spending years searching for purpose in the wrong places, Mike found himself ready to take his own life- but God intervened. Mike had been trying to fill the void he felt in his life with material things and overworking to the point where it was harming his marriage and family life. 

When his wife decided it was time to leave, Mike felt like giving up and formed a plan to take his own life. But on his way to Webster Pier that day, something made him stop and pull into the Webster campus parking lot, where he knocked on the door, and Pastor Nate came out.

By the time he left the church that day, he no longer felt like harming himself, and during a 72-hour hold in an inpatient program, he felt the presence of God in a very real way, experiencing a moment of warmth and peace that he knew was from the Lord.

At that moment, he not only accepted Christ, but he decided to surrender every circumstance of his life to Him. Mike’s immense gratitude to God for saving him and changing the course of his life has led him to now get baptized to glorify and honor the Lord.


Beyond Stories: World Relief Update


Baptism: Allyssa Frear