Baptism: Allyssa Frear

Before Christ, Allyssa found herself going through the motions. She realized she was beginning to bottle up emotions she didn’t fully understand and found she wasn’t fitting in with her friends at the time. These feelings only lead her to self-doubt and confusion.

Allyssa knew who God was at the time, but near the middle of 2024, she and her family started coming to Northridge, and she started experiencing new feelings about God. On August 25, Allyssa decided to drive to work early and began having dark thoughts about ending her life. She wanted to crash her car, but she knew at the time that she had more to offer and wasn’t sure how to explore it.

But then another thought spoke to her, telling her to head home, so she did not know what to expect. Upon finding that her mom was also home, Allyssa felt safe and broke down in her mother’s arms. Together they took time to pray and her mother read a bible verse to her while telling Allyssa that it’s okay to pray and give her life, the trauma and triggers up to the Lord so Allyssa did.

At that moment, she felt peace; it was better than anything she could have imagined. After giving it to Christ, Allyssa's life is more peaceful, and she feels she is starting to grasp better who God is and what he’s done for her and her family. She knows she has someone she can always turn to through the good and the bad.


Baptism: Mike Ceracchi


Jen Groth