Baptism: Nicole Kendall

Nicole struggled with an inability to be happy or self-aware since a very young age. She also lacked a father figure, a void that she attempted to fill with other men to date or talk to. She felt like she never fit in, molding her identity to fit with whatever friend group she was with. This eventually led her to moving in with a man who got her addicted to drugs, which she used as a coping mechanism.

Eventually, she became self aware of how depressed and anxious she was, and realized she was consumed by fear and anxiety to the point of not wanting to live anymore. She began to read her Bible more, but the fear and anxiety still continued, and she still wondered if God could forgive her. After two months, she finally realized that she needed to surrender everything to God and trust His plan for her future. She began feeling an indescribable peace after surrendering everything to Him.

Now, Nicole feels that she has a purpose and identity after walking in God’s love, and nothing can separate her from it. She has found that nothing compares to a relationship with her creator.


Baptism: Daniel Kent


Baptism: Tori Price