Baptism: Henry Yaeger

Before Christ, Henry’s life was consumed with a lot of fear and social anxiety. He was born with a birth defect. Doctors operated and accidentally caused more damage to his vocal chord, causing his voice to sound a lot different. From that point on, Henry would have anxiety when interacting with people because he was embarrassed by the way his voice sounded.

It all changed for him one year when working at a Christian summer camp. Henry had heard and understood the gospel before, but he struggled to trust Christ with his fear and anxiety fully. While at camp, Henry was expected to interact with the campers and share Christ with them. This made him extremely uncomfortable and fearful, so much so that his boss noticed and took him aside. His boss shared with him the passage about Moses and the burning bush:

“The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” (Exodus 4:11)

Through this passage, Henry was moved and finally able to fully understand Christ’s love for him.  It was at this point he made Jesus the leader of his life. God has been near to him and has shown Henry that in his weakness, Christ is strong. Through Henry’s voice, something he once thought of as a curse, God can be glorified in ways that he could never have imagined.


Baptism: Josh Van De Mark


Keith and Jess Kalavitis