Baptism: Sydney Jones

Sydney grew up going to a Catholic church and knew of God, but she never got a lot out of it, and she essentially just went through the motions. Eventually, she stopped going to church with her family altogether at 10 years old. At 14, she moved away to pursue her dream through sports, which ended up ruining her mental health and body image. She felt like “a fish in a fishbowl” where “everyone was watching her every move” and she had no power.

After meeting a man who went to Northridge and attending a service, Sydney got to hear testimonies that resonated with her and had a wonderful worship experience. The lyrics “I hear your invitation to let it all go, I see it now, I’m laying it down, and I know that I need you” in the song Run to the Father really struck a chord with her. At that moment, she gave everything over to God and has since felt a sense of freedom. She no longer feels the need to control other things or people.

Today, Sydney is being baptized because she realizes the gifts God has placed on her, and she is ready to publicly show that Christ is the leader of her life and is excited to see how He uses those gifts.


BAPTISM: Lloyd David


Baptism: Kara Palumbo