Baptism: Kara Palumbo

Kara’s faith began to dwindle when she lost a friend in a car accident as a teenager. She was angry at God and also felt as though she didn’t understand the gospel. In the latter part of her high school years, she turned to alcohol and felt nothing was grounding her. This changed when she met her husband and had children. When her son struggled in middle school, she became inspired by the mantras that she would talk through with him and by the work God was doing in her son.

Upon coming to Northridge, she found community, and this helped her deepen her understanding of the Lord. She came to grips with the fact that God loves her and sent His son to come to Earth and die for all of us.

Kara is getting baptized because Jesus is the leader of her life and the forgiver of her sins.


Baptism: Sydney Jones


Baptism: Chad Visser