Buckles Family Story

In 2020, the Buckles family experienced the loss of their son Hudson, which led their faith to be tested. It felt devastating, as they had spent years having a deep relationship with the Lord only to feel abandoned. They began counseling shortly after Hudson’s death, and it was during this timeframe they began to internalize Psalm 13. The Buckles family learned about the truth of lament: God wants us to bring our struggles to Him.

As they’ve mourned the loss of Hudson, they’ve adopted the theme of “grieving gracefully”, dealing with the hurt to get to hope and healing. While they’ve struggled with the desire for a quick fix, they know this is the way to truly move through and move forward. They’ve also had to grapple with the fact that their will for Hudson to live did not align with God’s and are realizing the weight of saying “your will be done.” Grace has been a huge theme, be it to themselves or to others, as well as trusting Him again.


The Power of Generosity: Michael


Baptism: Sathe Hitchner