The Power of Generosity: Michael

When you look back at your life, who do you want to be? That was a question Michael found himself face to face with a couple years ago when he was diagnosed with stage four cancer.

Michael remembers being sick one day like he normally would be. He soon realized as his family was getting over a cold that for some reason he couldn’t get over it. Thinking it was bronchitis he decided to get an x-ray done of his chest. This was when he discovered he had stage four cancer in most of his body and was told to prepare for the worst.

Five percent of people diagnosed with stage four cancer don’t survive past the second year. Having crushed the diagnosis expectations by finding himself past the second year Michael realized if we was going to do his calling it was now or never. He had no more time for excuses. That was when he decided to contact Northridge.

Seeing how Michael was passionate about giving back, Northridge helped him discover CarePortal. Right away Michael found a need for a family with kids who needed clothing. He had no idea the impact he was making or that everything he would normally take for granted could mean so much to this family.

Michael wishes that it didn’t take facing the end of his life to choose to pursue God’s purpose for his life however he feels lucky that he has had this last chance to make this choice. Whether he continues to lay in his pain or gets up and pushes through it, it’s a choice that he feels blessed to make every day. As long as there are days where people still need help he will get up because he knows he’s making a difference.


Baptism Sunday: Kara Reinhardt, Jason Silva, And Kenny gonzalez


Buckles Family Story