Beyond Stories: HOPE585

As we go through our parenting series Because I Said So, there is a topic that often gets swept under the rug when it comes to families: youth and family trauma. According to Adverse Childhood Experiences research, over 50% of children experience some form of it.

Fortunately, there’s an organization in Rochester that Northridge partners with who can help: Hope585, previously TheHub585.

Hope585 offers a variety of programs that move youth and their families from trauma to power and belonging. They have the CarePortal platform which enables care-sharing: a method of collaboration that empowers people to share the responsibility of caring for people in need. CarePortal is a partnership between churches, community members, and local child welfare stakeholders. When we work together we can do more and better.

Did you know that we meet Careportal needs throughout the entire year? Just this month our Careportal Team met a need for a grandmother and her beautiful bubbly six-month-old grandson who had just recently been placed in her care. Our team provided a stroller so they could be outside in nature and enjoy the beautiful summer weather.

Sometimes the needs are very concrete like winter boots, a bed, or enough clothes to live. Others are a bit more nuanced, like helping to make life joyful for families!

The CarePortal Process

Hope585 also offers a foster care program, which just launched this winter, where youths 13-21 will be placed in the home of a Hope585-paid and Monroe County licensed foster parent.

Want to get involved?

We have a CarePortal response team at Northridge, which you can join here.

Hope585 also has many volunteer opportunities, including mentorship and their Summer of Hope activity program. You can click here to check out those.


Beyond Stories: 441 Ministries


Beyond Stories: A Trip to Malawi