Beyond Stories: A Trip to Malawi

Last month, a few members from the Northridge Staff visited Malawi to work with the Global Lift Collective. Noah Bixby, Brighton Campus Pastor was one staff person who had the honor of going and talks a little bit about his experience from the trip.

For those of you who don’t know, the Global Lift Collective is a partnership that aims to stamp out extreme poverty and spur the God-given potential of everyone in a kingdom-minded way. With a current focus on Malawi and Central America, their dream is for churches to lead the way in transforming their communities. Northridge Church helped to form the Global Lift Collective alongside two other partner churches Life.Church and Willow Creek Church.

Noah’s Trip Experience

1. How long have you been going to Malawi, and what did you get out of this trip?

I was there for a week, and I saw that God is a God of abundance and when you think you don't have enough it might just need a different perspective. God has given us just what we need to accomplish what He has called us to.

2. What was your favorite part of the week you were there?

Seeing some churches in villages that have grown from 7 people to 75 people! Or from 20 people to 100 people.

3. How long has Northridge been in this Malawi partnership, and how did we get into it?

The Global Lift Collective formalized in 2021 but was born out of existing relationships between churches and non-profit organizations passionate about the local church.

4. What should Northridge know about our Malawi partnership?

GLC has a goal to empower the local church to lift the community around it. They train people to use the resources God has given them to transform their own lives and grow in their walk with Jesus. They train pastors and church leaders to grow strong churches and care for their communities.

What I love the most is that no Western money is given to the church but rather training is provided to help a church reach the goals they have set for themselves through savings groups (economic empowerment groups), homemade fertilizer, beekeeping or adult literacy programs.

5. How can we get involved with the work that Global Lift Collective is doing?

Prayer, financial giving, and reading the book “When Helping Hurts” or “Created to Flourish".

Does Noah’s experience have you interested in Global Lift Collective? You can read more about them and give by visiting their website.


Beyond Stories: HOPE585


Baptism: Josh Van De Mark