The Probability of Evil
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The Probability of Evil

Dr. William Lane Craig (video)

“In order to achieve his purposes, God may have to allow a great deal of suffering along the way."

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The Logical Problem of Evil
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The Logical Problem of Evil

Dr. William Lane Craig (video)

“For the logical problem of suffering to succeed, the atheists would have to show that it’s logically impossible that free will exists, and that it’s logically impossible that God has good reasons for permitting suffering… a burden too heavy to bare.”

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Introduction to Ephesians
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Introduction to Ephesians (article)

Ephesians offers general instruction in the truths of God’s redemptive work in Christ; the unity of the church among diverse peoples; and proper conduct in the church, the home, and the world.

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Bibliography and Biography
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Bibliography and Biography

Jason K. Allen (article)

The Bible is truly unlike any other book. It is God’s written self-disclosure to humanity. As such, we must read it, study it, teach it, and live it.

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The Will of God
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The Will of God

Ligonier Ministries (article)

God has condescended to mankind in order to reveal to us certain truths about His character and plan. These truths are for us to know forever.

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Our Delight is in Our Adoption
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Our Delight is in Our Adoption

Matt Chandler (video)

Have you ever wondered how God feels about you? In this video, Matt Chandler unpacks the amazing truth that God delights in you.

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Erhman Project
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Erhman Project

Dr. Bart Ehrman (videos)

Dr. Bart Ehrman is raising significant questions about the reliability of the Bible.

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The Doctrine of Creation
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The Doctrine of Creation

Paul Tripp (article)

How sweet it is to consider that the Creator will give us the grace we need to live as he has designed in the beginning, even though the world has gone terribly wrong.

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The Importance of Doctrine
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The Importance of Doctrine

Paul Tripp (article)

God's plan is for the rain of biblical doctrine to fall on us and change us. We won't become better renditions of ourselves, but entirely different, spiritually.

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Do You Have a Conscience?
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Do You Have a Conscience?

Mitch Chase (article)

Every believer and, by implication, every church would benefit from learning about our conscience and how it can be calibrated by the Word of God and for the glory of God. As the Spirit works in us, we can, by God’s grace, love those with whom we differ on disputable matters.

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The Challenge of History
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The Challenge of History

William Lane Craig

The most distinctive claim about Christianity in relation to other world religions is that Christianity says that God has revealed himself in history.

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