The Importance of Doctrine

"Daddy, did God make telephone poles?"

It was another one of those endless and seemingly unimportant questions that a kid will ask at the end of a long day that makes a parent go slightly insane.

Luella and I had been teaching our children that God created the world and everything in it, and as our family drove to Burger King, my son looked out the window at the telephone poles that lined the street, mulling over the "doctrine of creation" in his little brain. Justin was very young at the time, so he didn't actually know anything about doctrine, at least at an academic level. But his question was still deeply theological.

Why was our little philosopher thinking about those telephone poles? Because he was a human being; he was simply doing what God designed us to do.

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Louie Giglio Our God is Indescribable


How can Christianity claim Exclusivity?