Who Is Yahweh?

Who is God? I can think of no more foundational question in all the world. So who is this God, this One behind all of creation? Who is this One who made you and me? Who is this One who speaks to us through an ancient book, a book that is as alive as it is old? This is the beautiful topic of Pastor John’s recent sermon delivered in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He opened that message with ten brief answers to the question “Who is God?” Have a listen.

Why did God identify himself as “I Am Who I Am” — I absolutely am (Exodus 3:14)? Now, if we can take off our clouded spectacles of mere religious jargon, like G-O-D, this should come and will come as a bolt of lightning. God is. That’s staggering. What sentence could be more important in any language than God is? So, what did he mean when he said, “I absolutely am — I Am Who I Am”? What did he mean?

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The Logical Problem of Evil


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