Who Is Yahweh?
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Who Is Yahweh?

John Piper (audio/article)

The world doesn’t need any more tinkering with religion. It needs God. It needs to see God. It needs to be stunned that there is a God.

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What is the Law?
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What is the Law?

The Bible Project (video)

In this video, we explore the importance of the ancient laws in the Old Testament. Why are they in the Bible, and what do they say to followers of Jesus?

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The Importance of Doctrine
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The Importance of Doctrine

Paul Tripp (article)

God's plan is for the rain of biblical doctrine to fall on us and change us. We won't become better renditions of ourselves, but entirely different, spiritually.

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Is the Bible Pro-Slavery?
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Is the Bible Pro-Slavery?

Gavin Ortlund (article)

When I consider Jesus, and His sacrifice on the cross, I know that I have reason to trust that the heart of God is good.

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Understanding the Sabbath
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Understanding the Sabbath

John MacArthur (article/audio)

Every day for us is a sabbath, because every day we rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

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May Women Serve as Pastors?
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May Women Serve as Pastors?

Thomas R. Schreiner (article)

The scriptures clearly teach about the unique roles of women in the church and in the home. They are equal with men in dignity and value, but they have a different role during this earthly sojourn.

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Biblical Womanhood in Five Minutes
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Biblical Womanhood in Five Minutes

John Piper (article)

Every woman you pass on the street or every woman you relate to in any way is a potential queen of heaven because she is created in the Imago Dei. She is in the image of God in the same way that the man is in the image of God, having a human nature which mirrors the very nature of God.

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Who Made Satan?
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Who Made Satan?

Matt Smethurst

(Article) Scripture says a lot about his character and actions—who he is and what he does—but what about his origins? Where did he come from? 


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The Image of God
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The Image of God

The Bible Project

Genesis explains that humans are made in the image of God...what exactly does that mean?

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Theological Triage and the Doctrine of Creation
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Theological Triage and the Doctrine of Creation

Samuel Emadi Anytime someone broaches the subject of the age of the earth or the length of days in Genesis 1, eyebrows rise and suspicions heighten. Dissenters from our position concern us—especially when that dissent is labeled a “theological trajectory.” Evangelicals have learned to charitably disagree on a number of issues, but we tend to take the gloves off fairly quickly when it comes to creation...

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