They Were No Fools: The Martyrdom of Jim Elliot and Four Other Missionaries
Justin Taylor (article/videos)
“They were killed with the sword. They [were men] of whom the world was not worthy.” Romans 11: 37-28
The Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism
Dr. Daniel B. Wallace (podcast)
Dr. Wallace defines New Testament Textual Criticism and discusses topics like identifying textual variants, categorizing manuscripts, and interpreting the available evidence.
Does Archaeology Support the Bible?
Clifford Wilson (article)
Archaeology has done much to demonstrate that “the Bible was right after all.” Its early records of creation, Eden, the Flood, long-living men, and the dispersal of the nations are not mere legends after all.
The Morning I Heard the Voice of God
John Piper (article/audio)
Piper: “I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God still speaks today.”
Facts for Skeptics of the New Testament
Gregory Koukl (article)
If we reject the authenticity of the New Testament on textual grounds, we’d also have to reject every work of antiquity prior to AD 1000, since there is less manuscript evidence for their authenticity than for the New Testament.
Can I trust the Bible?
Dr. Robert Plummer (video)
“Can I trust the Bible? What evidence is there that the Bible is trustworthy?"
Upon this Rock I Will Build My Church
John MacArthur (article/audio)
Christ alone is the foundation and only head of His church.
North Korea's Secret Christians
Rachel Cohrs (article)
South Koreans are proselytizing in the adamantly atheist country using thousands of illicit radios smuggled over the border.
What Christianity offers to Transgender Persons
Sam Allberry (video)
“In [Christ’s] ultimate brokenness, we can find the true solution to our own brokenness, the true hope of the gospel.”
May Women Serve as Pastors?
Thomas R. Schreiner (article)
The scriptures clearly teach about the unique roles of women in the church and in the home. They are equal with men in dignity and value, but they have a different role during this earthly sojourn.
Tim Keller on the Image of God
Tim Keller (article)
What happens in a society that got its idea of human rights from a belief in the image of God, that all people are created in the image of God?
Women as Ministers?
John Piper (article)
In no way does any biblical view of manhood and womanhood imply that men are out and about being active for Jesus and women are not.
Pass the Mic Podcast- Dynamic voices for a diverse church
Jemar Tisby & Tyler Burns (podcast)
Tune in every week for engaging discussions and high profile interviews addressing the core concerns of African Americans biblically.
Quick to Listen Podcast- Why Your Denomination Is Segregated
CT Editors (podcast)
Whites and blacks worshiped together in colonial America. What happened?
James 2:1-13
Francis Chan (video)
Through 12 sessions, Francis works through James verse-by-verse, challenging followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life.