Small Group Leader Questions | 2.16.22


Wk 2: Jesus is: Friend, Savior, Lord | Feb. 16th, 2022

What we want students to…

  • Know: Who Jesus is - Friend, Savior, Lord.

  • Feel: Their need for Jesus.

  • Do: Respond to their need for Jesus.

Main Points:

  1. Knowing of Jesus is different from know Him personally.

  2. Life is found in Jesus.

  3. Jesus came to earth as fully God and fully man.

    1. Jesus is our friend.

    2. Jesus is Savior of the world (death, burial, resurrection).

    3. Jesus is all we need.

Scripture Used:

  • John 3:1-17; John 6:35; Hebrews 4:15; Romans 10:9


Wk 2: Jesus Is: Friend, Savior, Lord | February 16th, 2022

ICE BREAKER (5 mins)

  1. What is one word to describe how your 2022 is going so far?

DISCUSSION (10-15 mins - Choose 2-3 Questions)

Ask 1-2 students to recap the message

  1. What did you find most confusing, surprising, or helpful from today’s message?

  2. How does knowing of someone differ from knowing them personally?

The message began with Jesus telling Nicodemus he must be ‘born again’.

  1. What is the difference between the birth Nicodemus understands and what Jesus talks about? (See John 3:5-7 for help)

Jesus is a friend…

  1. How did Jesus’ coming to earth make Him a friend?

    1. What comfort does this bring to your life?

Jesus is the Savior of the world…

  1. Why was Jesus’ death necessary for the hope of sinners?

    1. What did He save us from? What does life in Him mean?

Jesus is all we need…

  1. What is your honest, first response to this? Why?

DIG DEEPER (10 mins)

Read John 3:16

  1. What was the basis of God’s sending Jesus?

  2. What was His purpose in sending Jesus?

Read Colossians 1:18-23

  1. Who is Jesus according to these verses?

  2. Reread v.21. How does this verse describe people who do not know Jesus personally?

  3. V.22 says God has ‘reconciled’. What does this mean and what did Jesus do so we may be reconciled? 

Read Romans 10:9

  1. What is belief?

  2. What makes it difficult to believe in Jesus?

    1. What is our hope when we believe in Him?

APPLICATION (10 minutes)

John 6:35 says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”

  1. What is something you long for in your life?

    1. How is that fulfilled in Jesus?

Jesus waits for us to come to Him and share our need for Him.

  1. What stops you from coming to Jesus?

  2. What does coming to Jesus look like?

  3. What is an area of your life you have not brought to Jesus?

As the series wraps up…

  1. Who is Jesus to you personally?





Small Group Leader Questions | 2.9.22