WK:1 Wisdoms Soils
Big Idea: Wise People Are Planted by God’s Word
Scripture: Psalm 1:1-3 (ESV)
Small Group Questions
Wk 1: Wisdoms Soils | March 2nd, 2022
ICE BREAKER (5 mins)
Where do you typically hear or get news from?
DISCUSSION (10 mins)
(Ask students to recap the message).
What was something new, surprising, confusing, or frustrating that you learned from this week’s message?
Why is the Bible our most important source of wisdom?
What does it mean to be ‘planted’?
How do the things we “walk, stand, and sit” in impact how we live?
DIGGING DEEPER (10-12 Minutes)
Read Psalm 1 together.
Who is ‘blessed’ according to these verses?
What is this man’s relationship with God’s Word?
*hint: two words in v.4
Expand on those terms
Describe the comparison in v.3-4
What might it look like for your life to be planted by ‘streams of living water’?
What makes this difficult?
APPLICATION (10-12 minutes)
What does your relationship with God’s Word really look like?
How can you make the Bible central to your day to day life? Be specific.
Fill out the below:
Where do you read the Bible?
When do you read the Bible?
How do you read the Bible?
What do you read?
What questions do you have?