KiDS Weekly Experience Guide & Parent Cue: week of September 26th


This month, Elementary has been taking a closer look at stories from the Old Testament. So far, they examined the Tabernacle and Joshua and the Battle at Jericho. This week, they will be taking a closer look at the book of Judges. If you haven’t checked out the What’s In the Bible? series by Phil Vischer, now would be a great time to do so! These videos are very educational but also very entertaining for kids…and adults. You can even access these free with your Right Now Media account just search for What’s in the Bible? and look for volume 4 (see the picture below). If you haven’t signed up for this amazing, FREE resource, click here to get signed up today.

“Buck Denver and friends continue their quest to learn about the Bible in number four of the What's in the Bible? series. In Battle for the Promised Land, they visit Old Testament books Joshua, Judges and Ruth. Battle for the Promised Land! Contains two 25-minute episodes: Episode 1: Covers Joshua and tricky questions about fighting and killing in the Bible and Episode 2: Covers the time of the Judges and the Bible's romance story- Ruth!”

Watch these videos with your kids to keep them learning and growing throughout the week. You may even discover something new too!

This week’s resources are listed below. Have a great week!

Preschool Resources

Bible Story: In the Beginning—Creation of the World

Big Idea: God is AMAZING! He made the sun in the sky, the animals, the whole world—they’re all His creations. But do you know what God’s most AMAZING creation is? It’s you and me! God made people to be like Him so we can trust and follow Jesus, and be His special friends!

Step 1: Watch the video with your preschoolers.

Step 2: Review with your kids.

Ask your kids: Who made you? (God made me amazing!)

Step 3: Practice the Memory Verse with your preschoolers.

“How you made me is amazing and wonderful...” Psalm 139:14 NIRV

Step 4: Print the Adventure Guide to use with your preschooler throughout the week.

Elementary Resources

STEP 1: Read the Bible Passage with your kids

Bible Story: Judges • Judges 2-3:15

After Joshua died, God appointed judges to lead the Israelites. During the time of the Judges, the Israelites were caught in a cycle of sin. The pattern started when the Israelites abandoned God and started following and worshiping other gods. God allowed them to be captured by their enemies. The people were in great distress, so they cried out to God for help. Then God sent a judge to help them. During the life of the judge, the Israelites would follow and serve God and they would enjoy peace, but once the judge died, the people would once again fall into sin and the pattern would start all over again. 

STEP 2: Choose a worship video to sing with your kids

STEP 3: Watch the Video with your Kids

STEP 4: Practice this month’s Bible Verse with your kids.

Memory Verse: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”” Psalm 119:105 NIV

STEP 5: Review with your kids.

Big Idea: God helps and hears His people.

This story helps us address three kinds of questions that kids may have. They are our He (God question), our We (people question), and our Me (purpose question) for this week. 

Ask Your Kids:

  • Our He Question about God: What does God do for His people?

  • Our We Question about people: How does God help us all the time?

  • Our Me Question about our purpose: How do I ask God for help?


KiDS Weekly Experience Guide & Parent Cue: week of October 3rd


KiDS Weekly Experience Guide & Parent Cue: week of September 19th