Baptism: Jonathan Laureano

Even though Jonathan was born in a Catholic home, he realized that he only knew the bullet points of Christianity. He found himself in the party crowd and it wasn’t until college that he chose to start growing up. He pursued his career early. Despite finding success in his career path, he felt like something was still missing from his life.

One day while going through some news videos he found one about spirituality. It wasn't anything he was searching for at the time, but it was just the reminder he needed at the time about what awaits all of us when we pass away. It caused him to really reflect on his life and what he was doing with it.

He decided to reach out to one of his co-workers. He explained where he was at in his life and everything that was going on. His co-worker gave him great advice and on June 1st of 2021, he fell on his knees and repented asking for Christ to be his savior.

From then on, he’s felt a peace he hasn’t felt in years. He feels that his marriage is improving and he’s been striving ever since to be a better father as well as bring his children up in faith.


Baptism: Mary Nikitkova


Baptism: Shayne Stevenson