Baptism: Chad Visser

Chad was introduced to pornography at a young age. Despite going to Bible college and later working at a Christian radio station, this addiction still had a hold on him. He thought the emotional reactions he was having during service meant he was saved, but in reality it was all just a mask. It got to the point where he faced church discipline and was removed as a member at Northridge.

After Chad’s marriage hit an all time low, he met with a counselor, at which point he felt he had come to the end of himself. The counselor encouraged him to take a next step of accepting Christ into his life. He used to think he had to go through all the checklist to get to Christ. Now, even though there are consequences for his sin, Chad realizes Christ is right next to him despite all of it and he now has the power to rebuild. He is no longer defined by his past mistakes and regrets but rather defined by Christ.

Today, Chad is getting baptized to declare Christ as the leader of his life and the forgiver of his sins.


Baptism: Kara Palumbo


Baptism: Damien Fulp