Baptism: Damien Fulp

Before his life in Christ, Damien was very selfish. He went to church only on Christmas growing up and found himself only living to fulfill his desires. In 2017, Damien got a tattoo that said “I can do all things,” which represented where his head and heart were at the time.

After a lot of trials, several failed relationships, and failing out of school, Damien came to know Christ on a mountaintop in Alaska. He asked for forgiveness and admitted his need to God for a savior. Since trusting Christ, he has symbolically completed his tattoo to say “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He recognizes that even though he still has struggles, he has a savior who loves him and whose grace is sufficient. He has a renewed mind and heart for the depth of God’s love.

Damien is getting baptized to declare that Jesus is the leader of his life and the forgiver of his sins.


Baptism: Chad Visser


Baptism: Zhang Songmei