Beyond Brittany Catlin Beyond Brittany Catlin

Beyond Stories: Loving Our Neighbors - Caring Choices

Throughout the month of May, our Webster Campus did a campaign called “Loving Our Neighbors,” where they partnered with our Beyond partner, Caring Choices. This organization empowers women and families facing unexpected pregnancies in Rochester and Webster.

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Beyond Brittany Catlin Beyond Brittany Catlin

Beyond Stories: An AIM Update

One of our Beyond partners, Agape International Missions (AIM), a justice focused organization in Cambodia that actively works against sex trafficking, recently rescued three adult women and one girl from sex trafficking. AIM is currently caring for all of these survivors in various ways to help them heal from these traumatic events.

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Beyond Brittany Catlin Beyond Brittany Catlin

Beyond Stories: Malawi - The Philimon Family

In May, Northridge’s Beyond Director, Michelle Gerringer, had the opportunity to visit a church near Lilongwe, Malawi. The church is an active partner with HOPE International and Tearfund, which guide American churches to provide financial support for vulnerable families in the communities. They create groups that provide each family with a safe place to save their finances, small loans, and a supportive community. One of the families that HOPE International and Tearfund were able to bless was the Philimon family.

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