“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” - 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, Paul wrote that your story is important. It's meant to be shared so that others can see the work of God in you, and they can, in turn, begin to see the work of God in themselves.

Why Storytelling is Important

Telling our stories unifies, connects, and heals us as one church. Stories, as Paul mentions in the above verses, reveal God’s good work. 

Telling your story:

  • Allows you to be honest and reflective about your experience with someone who is open to listening. 

  • Builds your faith by practicing honesty, authenticity, humility, and courage, all for God’s glory. 

  • Signifies that you refuse to do life alone or hide in the shadows. 

  • Is an act of worship as you acknowledge that God is writing your story; you trust His sovereignty and are grateful for His work in your life. 

  • Shines light on God’s faithfulness through all circumstances.

  • Provides a powerful real-life example to others who may be going through similar challenges or situations.

What has God been doing in your life?

We are always looking for stories to celebrate how God is working in the lives of the people of Northridge. Do you have a story from your own life or the life of someone close to you? Share it with us by filling out the form so we can walk alongside you through prayer or celebration!

Maybe it’s the story of how you found Christ. Maybe it’s about a healed marriage, an overcome struggle, or an answered prayer. Maybe God worked through a miraculous event or the everyday ordinary to teach you something. Or maybe your story doesn’t yet feel complete but you want to share how God is working despite continued struggle and difficult circumstances. We want to hear about it!

What you can expect 

Our storytelling team is honored to get to hear and tell your story. We understand that some stories are difficult and need to be met with compassion, grace, and love which Christ modeled for us. Other stories are ones of celebration and we are grateful for the chance to rejoice with you. Perhaps your story doesn’t feel grand or climatic, but we want you to know that we believe you still have something valuable to share. God is always at work, even in moments that feel mundane. 

Once you’ve agreed to share your story: 

  1. You will be connected with an individual to hear your story and a writer. 

  2. They will work with you to coordinate dates and times for setting up an interview.

  3. You will have the opportunity to review any notes taken during the interview. 

  4. Your story will be written. 

  5. A final draft of your story will be shared with you before it is posted. 

Stories may be shared in the following ways:

  • Written

  • Video

  • Website

  • Email

  • Social Media

  • Sunday Morning Services

Thank you for stepping out in faith and sharing your story. Our team will be praying for you and the impact your story will have on our church. 

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