Baptism: Melissa Aponte
Melissa was a strict follower of the Catholic faith growing up, going through her first communion, confirmation, and all the things you do as a follower of the Catholic faith. But prayer and personal connection with God were missing from her life because she always believed that she needed a priest to be the mediator.
My First Christmas: Mary Buck
Mary placed her faith in Christ in March of 2023 and is really excited to celebrate Christmas this year because of how much more meaning it holds as a Christ follower.
My First Christmas: Dylan Walshvelo
Before knowing Christ, Christmas was always about gift-giving and presents—there was little emphasis on faith. But since trusting in Jesus this past February, Dylan has a new understanding of Jesus, his birth, and everything that means for him. The idea of Christmas really hits him differently now that faith has really become a part of who he is.
My First Christmas: Jose Munoz
Jose’s first Christmas as a follower of Christ is very exciting for him. His Christmas will look different this year, as he’s not just looking forward to time with family and presents. He’s looking forward to celebrating the birth of Christ and giving God the glory for saving his life.