Beyond Stories: $5000 Malawi Relief Gift
This year, Northridge will be giving $5000 to Malawi through World Relief for disaster restoration after drought and flooding from El Niño.
Beyond Stories: 441 Ministries
Do you enjoy sipping a nice hot cup of coffee while Drew preaches on a Sunday morning? If so, then you have New City Cafe & Roastery to thank.
Beyond Stories: HOPE585
As we go through our parenting series Because I Said So, there is a topic that often gets swept under the rug when it comes to families: youth and family trauma.
Beyond Stories: A Trip to Malawi
This week, we’ve invited our Brighton Campus Pastor Noah Bixby to talk a little bit about his trip to Malawi last month, where we are working with the Global Lift Collective.
Baptism: Henry Yaeger
Before Christ, Henry’s life was consumed with a lot of fear and social anxiety. He was born with a birth defect. Doctors operated and accidentally caused more damage to his vocal chord, causing his voice to sound a lot different. From that point on, Henry would have anxiety when interacting with people because he was embarrassed by the way his voice sounded.
Baptism: Melissa Aponte
Melissa was a strict follower of the Catholic faith growing up, going through her first communion, confirmation, and all the things you do as a follower of the Catholic faith. But prayer and personal connection with God were missing from her life because she always believed that she needed a priest to be the mediator.