Baptism: Mike Ceracchi
After spending years searching for purpose in the wrong places, Mike found himself ready to take his own life- but God intervened. Mike had been trying to fill the void he felt in his life with material things and overworking to the point where it was harming his marriage and family life.
Baptism: Mak Hayes
Mak had always believed in God, prayed to him, and understood who Jesus was. But she’d always had faith questions that she never put the effort into getting answered.
Baptism: Chris Eldridge
Chris believed in God from a young age, but he never felt that he had developed a relationship with God. He’d focused on building good morals and making good decisions in life, but he had also been turning to sinful things to try and find happiness. Some of these decisions and actions led him to spiral into a dark place. He struggled to talk to anyone about his sinful actions because he was ashamed of his behaviors, and it was just easier not to talk about them.
Cheryl Battaglia
At a young age, Cheryl was burdened with a secret she swore she’d take to the grave. God walked with her in small steps from this terrible experience to her life now, where she is able to talk about this hurt.
Beyond Stories: Compassion International
Our church family cares about making Jesus known by strengthening families ending poverty and seeking justice. One of the reasons we love partnering with Compassion International is the way they invest in children and families through the local church!
Beyond Stories: Caring Choices Golf Fore Life Tournament
If you can’t wait for the U.S. Open to start, or if the thought of it makes you want to head out to the golf course yourself, then you’re in luck because Caring Choices, a local non-profit connected with Northridge Outreach, will be hosting a Golf Fore Life tournament on August 16 at Morgan’s Crossing Golf Course.
Beyond Stories: Foodlink
This past Sunday, Nate talked about the parable of the Good Samaritan and posed this question: do we look out for the next person who needs mercy?