Baptism: Ace Maurice
When Ace was younger, she started going to church with her dad after her parents divorced. However, as bad things happened with her dad, she eventually fell out of it because she saw her dad as what a Christian was and didn’t want any part in that.
Beyond Stories: $5000 Malawi Relief Gift
This year, Northridge will be giving $5000 to Malawi through World Relief for disaster restoration after drought and flooding from El Niño.
Beyond Stories: 441 Ministries
Do you enjoy sipping a nice hot cup of coffee while Drew preaches on a Sunday morning? If so, then you have New City Cafe & Roastery to thank.
Beyond Stories: HOPE585
As we go through our parenting series Because I Said So, there is a topic that often gets swept under the rug when it comes to families: youth and family trauma.
Beyond Stories: A Trip to Malawi
This week, we’ve invited our Brighton Campus Pastor Noah Bixby to talk a little bit about his trip to Malawi last month, where we are working with the Global Lift Collective.
Baptism: Henry Yaeger
Before Christ, Henry’s life was consumed with a lot of fear and social anxiety. He was born with a birth defect. Doctors operated and accidentally caused more damage to his vocal chord, causing his voice to sound a lot different. From that point on, Henry would have anxiety when interacting with people because he was embarrassed by the way his voice sounded.